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[cookie-control]Privacy is an important matter for us. We handle all personal data according to legal requirements and, beyond that, have high standards in the matter of transparency and customer-friendlyness.
If you want to get a statement on stored data about yourself, you can use our online form or send a mail or e-mail to our privacy officer (
You can use this form to request a statement according to Art. 15 GDPR.Here you can find important documents on privacy and data handling:
Please understand that it is not possible for us to translate all complex documents to the English language, especially because of the high legal requirements.
The most important excerpts are listed below.
Voluntaryness and Appropriation
We only collect data if necessary and with your consent.
Data is only stored and processed for it’s original purpose. We do not send out any unsolicited advertising or sell data for profit.
Data may only used for internal statistical purposes in an anonymized form.
No Trading
We do not trade data in any case. Data is only transfered to contractors like payment service, hosting or shop providers under strict conditions or to fulfill legal requirements.
Any contractor has to sign an agreement which ensures highest standards of data protection.
Regular Checks
We review our data protection concept regularly and ensure that every volunteer and contractor is keeping these regulations.
We also evaluate our measures on a regular basis to check if there are ways to improve data protection. This especially applies for used software or technical equipment.
Temporary Storage
We only store data as long as it is legally required. For example, payment or sales order data has to be stored for 10 years.
For any kind of data, we decide in advance when it can be deleted and keep track of these deadlines.
If we do not need direct access to data, we also transfer data to safer media even before it can be deleted. This can for example meand that we only keep the printed payment receipts and delete digital copies to ensure it is accessible for less people and cannot be analyzed automatically.
The board members and the privacy officer monitor all activities and check if everyone is keeping up with our privacy standards. For this purpose, the following directories are kept:
- Processing activities – A list of all activities in which personal data is handled or prcessed.
- Deletions – Ensures that data is deleted in time.
- Risks – A list of all known privacy risks, meaning all processes or activities which bear (even small) privacy risks which cannot be lowered right now. Those risks are monitored and we work towards a safer solution if possible.
- Incidents – All known incidents are listed naming together with causes and measures to improve privacy and incident response in the future.
- Access – We keep track of accounts or authorizations to know who has access to which data. We especially use this directory to remove unnecessary access in time.
Disclosure or support
If you need any information or disclosure, feel free to contact our privacy officer (
You can also contact the data protection authority (Landesdatenschutzbeauftragte NRW) to file a complaint or get further help.
There might be other authorities or customer protection associations which provide help in matters of privacy.
Processing of Data
Below we have listed an excerpt of the processing activity directory to let you know where and when we store and process personal data.
By applying for a membership, we collect name, address, date of birth and e-mail address. During the membership, data on paid fees, positions or activities may be collected.
According to the German tax code, we have to keep accounting data for at least 10 years. This means that address data and data on paid fees has to be stored for 10 years after the membership has ended.
Additionally, all records of assemblies which may keep names of all participants will be kept indefinetely.
Purchasing Tickets or Merchandise
When ordering in our online shop, the named personal data is stored for fulfilling the delivery and handling the payment. According to accounting principles, this also applies if an order is canceled or a payment fails.
All data connected to orders or payments has to be stored for 10 years. Data will be transferred to safer media on a regular basis to minimize access and risks.
Order data may be used for internal analysis and statistical purposes. Data used for those purposes is anonymized.
When applying as a volunteer, the data named in the contract and registration form is raised. Additionally, records of tasks and assignments will be kept.
Due to legal liabilities, contracts and signed instructions have to be stored for 10 years.
Other data and assignment records may be kept for up to 3 years to decide on future applications. This is necessary to make a qualified decision on all applications.
In addition to data raised in ticket purchases, we also store the data requested in the vendor application form. These usually include the offered goods or services.
We keep a public vendor directory which will be presented on-site and on the event website.
As stated in our terms and conditions, we may keep a record of violations which will be considered in future applications.
A vendor directory has to be presented to local authorities and tax authorities.
For further information, please consult the terms and conditions for vendors.
As described in our terms and conditions, we take photos and film on all events for documentary purposes. These recordings may be used for advertising purposes and presented on our websites or publications.
Pictures of individuals or small groups will only be taken with the consent of the depicted persons.
Photo and film recordings are allowed according to § 23 (1) 3 des of the German law regulating art and copyright questions (Kunsturhebergesetz – KUG). This law is superior to the GDPR as a special regulation and allows it to take and publish photo and film recordings on events even without the consent of the depicted persons, if named persons are not in the focus of the picture but naturally appear on a depiction of the event.
If you do not want to be depicted, please address the photographer directly. If you want to have a published picture removed, please contact us via e-mail.
This post is also available in: Deutsch (German)